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BATTA - Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Umbria

The Batta company was founded in 1923 near Perugia, a small family business that has been dedicated to olive growing ever since. In 1949 the company acquired the first oil mill with the characteristic stone millstones and presses. Over the years the production activity has been increased with further olive plantations. Currently it is Giovanni Batta who manages the company and renovates its structures and systems according to modern technologies to obtain high quality extra virgin olive oils.

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The Batta company, which has been practicing organic farming since 2001, owns about 14 hectares of olive groves with 3700 plants of different varieties. Among these, the centuries-old olive trees of Dolce Agogia stand out, a typical cultivar of the area, whose oil was made a Slow Food Presidium in 2019. The manual or mechanical harvesting of the olives is followed by immediate processing or within 12 hours with the production of oil which will be followed by the various phases for the completion of the entire supply chain.

Awards and Honors:
- Der Feinschmecker OIL AWARD
- Guide to oils of Italy 2020 - Gambero Rosso
   3 green leaves Organic olive oil DOP Umbria Colli del Trasimeno
   2 Red leaves ORGANIC EVO oil
- Guide to the Extra Virgin 2020 Slow Food
- Regional Green Gold Award of Umbria 2020
    1th classified Oil DOP Umbria Colli del Trasimeno BIO
- Ercole Olivario
- SOL D'ORO Verona
   Great mention - Organic category, Organic EVO Oil DOP Umbria
- BIOL XXV ° International Prize
Extra Gold Medal for EVO DOP Umbria BIO oil
- EVO JOOC 2020
   GOLD - Medal DOP Umbria BIO oil
- JOOP- Japan Olive Oil Prize 2020
   GOLD P.D.O. DOP Umbria BIO oil