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  • €11.00 - €115.00

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Harvest year



The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intini is produced since 1928 in Alberobello in Puglia. The Intini mill recently added to a traditional system of pressing two production lines that allow the continuous production of extra virgin olive oil in the absence of oxygen with nitrogen inerting throughout the production process.
It is a completely innovative system of pressing that also allows you to get extra virgin olive oil into a paste of olives pitted, resulting in an oil characterized by a more delicate sensory profile and the low perception of bitter and spicy.

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Active filters

To ensure the highest product quality, the preservation of the olive oil is done in an envirorment with controlled temperature in stainless steel tanks. The entire production process, held completely in the absence of oxygen, is completed by a sophisticated bottling line that releases in the bottles a small amount of inert gas to ensure a long preservation of the product with all of the properties and the polyphenols present at the time of the bottling.

Awards and Honors:
- First place Sol d'Oro Prize: organic Bio
- First place Ercole Olivario Prize: blend Affiorato 
- First place Olio Capitale, Trieste: blend Affiorato 
- First place Sirena d'Oro di Sorrento: organic Bio
- Best 20 Flos Olei by Marco Oreggia: monocultivar Coratina
- Best of Show Olive Japan 2019: monocultivar Cima di Mola
- Presidio Slow Food 2019: monocultivar Cima di Mola
- Grande Olio Slow Food: monocultivar Olivastra
- 3 stars EQOO Il Magnifico Award: monocultivar Coratina
- 3 leaves Gambero Rosso Guide: blend Affiorato 
- 5 Drops of excellence Bibenda 2019: monocultivar Olivastra 2018 and monocultivar Coratina 2018
- Corona Maestrod'olio by Fausto Borella: monocultivar Coratina
- Certificate of Excellence ASSAM National Monovarietal Review 2019: monocultivar Coratina and monocultivar Cima di Mola
- 1 heart Guide Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2019
- Included in the Der Feinschmecker 2019 guide

- Presidio Slow Food 2018 (Cima di Mola extra virgin olive oil)
- Chiocciola Slow 2018
- Special award "Amphora Olearia Ercole Olivario 2018" 
- 5 Drops Bibenda Guide 2018
- Il Magnifico - Best Oil in Europe 2018
- Company among the "The Best 20" 2019 - Flos Olei Guide by Marco Oreggia

- Monocultivar Coratina :
- Il Magnifico 2018 - European Extra Quality Olive Oil Award, Best oil in Europe
- Complexity Award, AIRO Selection - Il Magnifico 2018
- Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Quality / Packaging Guide Flos Olei di Marco Oreggia
- Two Red leaves (excellent oil) Guide Oli d'Italia Gambero Rosso 2018
- Corona Maestro d'olio Terre d'olio 2018 by Fausto Borella
- Two hearts Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018
- Certificate of Excellence ASSAM National Monovarietal Review 2018
- Finalist of the Olio Capitale Competition 2018
- Included in the guide Der Feinschmecker 2018
- Great mention cat. Monovarietals Leone d'Oro dei Mastri Oleari 2018

- Monocultivar Cima di Mola :
- Two green leaves (very good oil) Oils of Italy Gambero Rosso 2018 Guide
- Inserted in the Terre d'olio 2018 guide by Fausto Borella
- Two hearts Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018
- Gold Medal Monocultivaroliveoil.EXPO 2018 by Gino Celletti
- Certificate of Excellence ASSAM National Monovarietal Review 2018
- Semi-finalist of the Capital Oil Competition 2018
- Included in the guide Der Feinschmecker 2018

- Monocultivar Olivastra :
- Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018: 1 heart
- Added with a score of 95/100 in the Extravoglio 2018 guide
- Included in the Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018 guide

- Affiorato 
- Winner cat. Light fruity Sol d’Oro 2018
- Best Blend of the year and Three green leaves (exceptional oil) Guide Italian Oils Gambero Rosso 2018
- Best in Class cat. Blend Japan Olive Oil Prize 2018
- Included in the Terre d'olio 2018 guide by Fausto Borella
- A Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018 heart
- Semi-finalist Competition Capital Oil2018
- Included in the guide Der Feinschmecker 2018
- Silver medal cat. blend Leone d'Oro dei Mastri Oleari 2018

- Monocultivar Bio
- Bronze medal cat. organic Sol d’Oro 2018
- Best in Class cat. Organic Japan Olive Oil Prize 2018
- Premiere Medal Olive Japan 2018 International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition
- Two hearts Merum Taschenführer Olivenöl 2018
- Third place cat. Organic Sorrento Golden Mermaid Award 2018
- Extragold Medal Biol International Prize 2018
- Included in the Der Feinschmecker 2018 guide